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Donate to the ERB

The European Review of Books is a nonprofit stichting (foundation) in the Netherlands. We’re committed to thickening the intellectual atmosphere in Europe and beyond. Your donation supports that project, and all the exacting work that goes into it: discovery, writing, editing, translation, design. And since we are a very small (but very dedicated!) team, the impact of your donation is concrete and immediate.

A literary magazine exists both for the present and for the future. We champion writing that lasts longer, and looks deeper, than the fleeting « opinion ». And we channel a genuine diversity of voices, across nation and language: a multilingual République des Lettres for a moment that desperately needs one. In one year, we’ve produced three beautiful book-length issues, with writing from more than 80 contributors with ties to more than 20 countries. We’ve published their work in English, but also Ukrainian, Valencian, Korean, German, Danish, Arabic, Russian, Spanish and Chinese.

Your donation helps build the ERB into an institution that endures, devoted to the kind of writing that endures. Thank you.

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