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Library / Pearls
Five uneasy pieces
Igor Pomerantsev

How I stopped being an older brother (& other stories)

Two palindromes
Yu Müller / 翟彧

→ Setting of the Sun at West Mountain / Puffing & panting ←
→ Worm-eaten Rimbaud / Always knowing whom ←

日落西山 & 蟲蠹的蘭波
Yu Müller / 翟彧

→ 日落西山 / 國是前胸 ←  → 蟲蠹的蘭波 / 始終知誰 ←

On Natalia Ginzburg’s Valentino
Sander Pleij

On Natalia Ginzburg’s Valentino, newly translated: a Q&A with Alexander Chee.

The Mass of Mies
Rem Koolhaas

« Less is more »? The scale and shape of his body gave the architect Mies van der Rohe an unequaled weight and architectural authority.

Two palindromes
Yu Müller / 翟彧

→ → Pursuing / you lead me to come to the future.
← ← coming to the future, I lead you / demanding.

求索 & 层云
Yu Müller / 翟彧

→ → 求索 / 你引导我来未来
← ← 来未来我导引你 / 索求

Lorenzo Mapelli

A photograph found in Rome’s Porta Portese. The recumbent can also raise a glass.

Marx and the art of natural winemaking
Fernanda Eberstadt

The grapes are tiny, burnt to a crisp. It’s day two of the harvest, in late August — freakishly early in a year of drought and heat waves. What is wine?

Curtain call
George Blaustein

An iron curtain makes a powerful canvas. Images from Sven Johne & Falk Haberkorn’s Aus Sicht des Archivs, documenting life in the former East Germany in the 1990s.

On Kafkaesque pedagogy
Giorgio Fontana

Not the nightmare one might instinctively expect. Franz Kafka and Stig Dagerman on parenthood vs. educatorhood: who can educate a child?

Back to the office
Stephan Petermann, Ruth Baumeister & Marieke van den Heuvel

From the office of the future to the office of the past. What endures?

No pity
Sander Pleij

The documentary When spring came to Bucha reaches beyond common representations of war and one-dimensional victimhood.

No money off a dead woman’s body (& other poems)
Nadia de Vries

« I like my tyrants like I like my heroes. That is, crushed by a giant chandelier. »

On paths not taken
Uğur Ümit Üngör

« Genocide Studies » is a house with many rooms. It accommodates and even encourages a broadening of its central concept. And like all academic fields, it presumes its object of study will always be there.

Kim Hyesoon / 김혜순

A poem, plus a note on tongue-like mice and the translation of mice-like tongues.

Sugar Mouse
Kim Hyesoon / 김혜순

A poem, plus a note on tongue-like mice and the translation of mice-like tongues

€ 0
George Blaustein

No one would have understood both the sentiment and the absurdity more keenly than Marx himself, whose face has adorned real currencies in more countries than anyone else’s, with the possible exception of Elizabeth II.


On multinational packaging systems, « inflated fictions of transparency », desire and fulfillment.

Only stupidity is hereditary
Werner Sollors

There sits a donkey before an open book, held between his forehooves in such a way that we can clearly see the pages. It is a family tree of sorts, with eight rows of seventeen standing donkeys.

The void that fills the void
Irina Dumitrescu

Relics, and the places devoted to their worship, dotted the map of Europe and the Middle East. Saints, like today’s celebrities, were both omnipresent and faraway, once-vulnerable people who became something more than human.

Animal Anti-Cities
Jannes Riemann

« A black cat sneaks across a flower bed toward a shed, past some asters, and squeezes into a gap an arm's width wide. Some worn-down club-goers lay wasted on sofas, sweat and smoke in a late-summer landscape. » On Berlin clubs and Calvino's cat flâneurs.

Animalische Anti-Städte
Jannes Riemann

« Eine schwarze Katze huscht über ein Blumenbeet in Richtung eines Holzverschlags, an einigen Astern vorbei drückt sie sich in eine armbreite Lücke. Einige Abgefeierte lümmeln auf Sofas; in Schweiß und Rauch in dieser spätsommerlichen Club-Landschaft. » Über Berliner Clubs und Calvinos Katzenflaneure.

Unclaimed, claimed, unclaimable
Floor Koomen

On unrecognized states, micronations and curious border zones.

¿Quién hablará Européen? Un puzle
Arman Basurto

La capital de Europa es, en ese sentido, un espejo cóncavo que devuelve un reflejo concentrado (y algo deforme) de la imagen que proyecta el continente.

Who will speak European? A puzzle
Arman Basurto

Brussels is a concave mirror that returns a concentrated (and somewhat distorted) reflection of the projection of its continent.

Place, non-place, place
Yamandú Roos

« What happened was that we were driving on the highway from Izola towards Koper when we saw a drummer on the side of the road. So I immediately drove to the side of the road and reversed my car and asked if I could take some pictures. »

How to write; or, how to insult
Claire Weeda

Shoulders were slapped, fingers pointed, hearts fired up. Perhaps a little scuffle broke out after class, a boisterous wrestling over insults exchanged. Nothing to be concerned about. Acquiring knowledge was, after all, a combative affair.

Firsts in space
Artemy M. Kalinovsky

A friend of mine likes to say that the moon landing was real, but dumb. On astronautical tokenism.

It wasn’t the beer
Ingo Niermann

How could it be that despite decades of rigorous European unification, of open borders and largely adjusted standards of living, a virus was able to kill up to 40 times more people in one country than in another, only a few hundred kilometers away?

Es war nicht das Bier
Ingo Niermann

Wie konnte es sein, dass trotz jahrzehntelanger rigoroser europäischer Einigung, offener Grenzen und weitgehend angeglichener Lebensstandards ein Virus in einem Land bis zu 40 Mal mehr Menschen töten konnte als in einem anderen, nur wenige hundert Kilometer entfernt?

Bee Gees FAQ
Anne Diestelkamp

Fragen, Antworten, Quintessenzen.